This month marks the one year anniversary of Adventures in Voluntary Simplicity. As explained in an earlier post, this anniversary has given me the impetus to draft a series of summary posts that I hope to publish over the next several weeks.
These so-called Reflections represent an attempt, however flawed, to summarize certain truths I have embraced over the past year. Some emerged unspoiled and resplendent as I packed up the remnants of a life of excess I no longer desired. Others materialized in fits and starts as I stared out into the darkness of Washington DC from a drab office window, my only respite from the madness of billable hours, office politics and canceled vacations. Still others were plucked from the smile of a poor Virginian farmer, the kindness of a Kentucky waitress, and the gentleness of a small turtle I found on the road somewhere in Missouri. These Reflections are not conclusions per se. They are something more precious and fragile: they are the beginning of genuine understanding.
For me, the most important Reflection of all is that while the road is nowhere near it's end, I'm closer to reaching my destination. And that's what's important.
These so-called Reflections represent an attempt, however flawed, to summarize certain truths I have embraced over the past year. Some emerged unspoiled and resplendent as I packed up the remnants of a life of excess I no longer desired. Others materialized in fits and starts as I stared out into the darkness of Washington DC from a drab office window, my only respite from the madness of billable hours, office politics and canceled vacations. Still others were plucked from the smile of a poor Virginian farmer, the kindness of a Kentucky waitress, and the gentleness of a small turtle I found on the road somewhere in Missouri. These Reflections are not conclusions per se. They are something more precious and fragile: they are the beginning of genuine understanding.
For me, the most important Reflection of all is that while the road is nowhere near it's end, I'm closer to reaching my destination. And that's what's important.
You must not forget good ole Kermit who sought out your companionship on your travels. He figured you needed a friend.
Keep on biking....we wait for your future posts.
How will you know when you reach your destination? Or is it the journey itself?
Glad to see you are enjoying your bike trip and taking life as it comes. Here is an article I was reading from one of my favourite travel writers titled "Joy of Less"
Looking forward to reading your reflections.
It may not be the destination where you find happiness, but on the journey.
Ahh, yes, Kermit definitely contributed to all these Reflections.
Who knows. Maybe I'll never get get there. As trite as it might sound, it is, in fact, the journey that is important.
Thanks. And yes, saw that link on facebook. Interesting indeed.
In one way or the other, each day we all are closer to our destination. It is a matter of whether or not we are enjoying the trip.
Me thinks so as well.
Thanks. And thanks for the email. Will email back just as soon as I can.
Very evocative.
I'm grateful that you're sharing your journey! Thank you!
I hate to be a comment hog, but here is another article I just read that is really on point here.
Hope you're having fun in the Rockies!
No problem.
@SF Kid,
Yeah, saw that last week. Several readers sent it to me via facebook and email. Definitely interesting. I might be in contact with the author momentarily.
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