Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Park Simplicity

As the days start to get shorter and dusk begins to sting my face with a slight northern chill I start to get very protective of what is left of summer. I feel as if my time to enjoy this life is limited and I must do everything possible to experience the beauty and simplicity around me.

Just the other day I spent an entire afternoon by myself at a gorgeous park in the middle of DC reconnecting with my inner 9-year old. I walked barefoot. I picked grass. I laid back and stared at the clouds above me. I smiled.

It was one of those days when you realize that however much you might yearn for a nice house, an expensive car and exotic vacations, what we are really searching for is the certainty and simplicity that only a 9-year-old would understand.


Sharon J said...

What a beautiful post, Jack. And you're so right, of course.

Heather said...

I feel ya! Nothin' better than alone time and grass under foot.

I know, right! That jelly fish was gaint! I thought it was debris from the marina we were at.

Jolyn said...

Ooh, what shapes did you see in the clouds? Did you take those photos yourself? Fall is the BEST time of year. Other than, you know, those verdammte Cherry Blossoms in the Spring...

Carolyn said...

I love watching clouds. In fact I did a little bit of that myself yesterday!

great pics.

Anonymous said...


Elizabeth Halt said...

very true. I spend a great deal of time just sitting in the grass in the summer, following the lead of the pup, and I love it.

I love the first two photos in particular.

donna said...

wow! great post, nothing like walking bare foot in the grass. i want some sunshine now :)

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Also, the fact that you link to BikeSnobNYC is further evidence that you're awesome.

Jade of the Jungle said...

You beat me to it this time! I was just going to do a post about discovering my 5 year old self (I'm sure by 9 I had issues already) whilst beachcombing on holiday. It used to be a favourite pasttime of mine, and some of my happiest memories are walking hand in hand with my mum on a beach, finding treasures underfoot and eating icecream. Was a bit of a pleasant surprise to find her still there somewhere.


Jack said...



Sub girl,

Yeah, that was a little scary. As long as you are not in the water, its all good though! :)


Ummm...don't quite remember. But I bet I will be looking closer next time I look at the sky. And yes, took them myself. Can't wait for cherry blossom season here in DC.

Jack said...

Amy, Carolyn

Thanks guys!


Well, with the pup, everything is grass and play all day long. You can't beat that:)

Jack said...


Yeah, tell me about it! This weekend has been super sunny, so pretty happy about it.


Thanks man. BTW, may be heading out your way at some point.


How was your holiday? Any little old ladies give you any problems at those b&bs? Walking on the beach also merits a separate post.

Nicola said...

as a 9 year old at heart, i understand and agree.

Fine Art by Jennifer said...

Right now my 2 year old is playing in the dirt. I don't think anyone could entice her with anything more interesting. Days like this are the best.

Anonymous said...

So I'm wondering, are you going to downgrade to living in a van, tent or what? I always wanted to own one of those tiny houses. Maybe you should look into that. Buy a piece of land and plop you van, tent, tiny house on it. That's always been my dream..

I am secretly looking into buying a camper van and right now live vicariously through other peoples' blogs.

Good luck and please right more often.

Jack said...


Always thought of you as an 8-year old at heart. :)


That sounds divine...


Honestly, don't really know at this point. I toying with the idea of touring on a bike for a while and living in a tent. Maybe upgrading to a camper makes sense, but have always dislike cars...vandwelling is definitely interesting, but need to figure out how to make it work. I think you will see how things turn out as the blog develops. Thanks for the comment!

Carrot said...

Good blog. As far as becoming your inner 9 year old, what else is there? Isn't that when we all felt most appreciative of the world around us, most present in our bodies? I use that feeling as a sort of dousing rod- when something I do makes me feel like a 9 year old, I know I'm doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Now you've got the idea. Do not forget to wade in puddles... it is great fun (uh, not that a 47 year old woman would know personally but....)

Jack said...


Yeah, that's a pretty good barometer. I guess I instintively do the same thing, though never verbalized it that way.


I can wade with the best of them!

carissashanti said...
