A friend and I had a chance to go canoing in the middle of the Potomac river recently. Sometime after 2 pm, we made our way over to a small little island right across from Georgetown. When we got out of the canoe everything made so much sense to me. The sun was brilliant, the water was calm, and my soul was at ease. Most of all, the Plan seemed within reach. Life was beautiful.
15 hours ago
sounds like fun. I like that second canoe shot.
Judging from the footprints in the sand, it looks like you brought along a "four-footed" friend also.
The Plan has always been within reach. Sometimes you just have to stretch a bit... or maybe just relax.
I agree!
Sounds fun! I am having canoe envy. Yesterday we were on a family hike and ended up by a river. We were just hanging out by ourselves on the sand watching the dog play in the water. The kids climbed a large driftwood, etc. Then out of nowhere (this never happens when we go to this spot) two canoes, with two people each, come down the river. They were having a great time.
Glad you had fun!! Hopefully more of that in store soon.
Oh Jack I'm so happy for you,
I could see the smile on your face when I read your simple post.
You've 'got it' now, 'the point', this is your reality, this is your dream, this is your path...
Take time to step out of your current world and into nature as much as possible in the next year... you'll 'see' your dream coming closer...
Oh yeah.. and relax too, it suits you!!
I love the pics. Thanks for sharing.
hey hey! thats so funny reading you're blog when right now I'm sitting in upstate minnesota..... getting ready to go boating/fishing/ and canoeing!!! Great minds think alike :-)
Isn't it amazing what a little awe-inspiring nature can do for the soul's vision?
I can almost feel the peace and tranquility that you felt, Jack. Isn't that feeling so much better than spending hundreds of dollars on stuff you don't need? I know you'll agree :)
Yeah, that's a pretty cool pic! I prefer the dog paw pic myself. :)
Jerry, sub girl,
I won't confirm nor deny! :) Yeah, thanks for the encouragement. Taking this day to day, week to week. Good moments abound within some pretty challenging days.
heather's moving castle,
You know what I need to do? Get into kayaking. That looks and sounds soo wonderful...except that my swimming skills are not all there. Probably better to start with a bit of swimming simplicity first.
Thanks for the kind words. Seriously. It's hard for me to tell, but I sure hope this blog doesn't give the impression that I don't relax. I certainly love to! It's just that with the job I have it gets hard to plan those days of relaxation.
Thanks for the comment. :)
sounds pretty sweet! let me know how all of that turned out.
Cage free,
Tell me about it! I think I will propose that all lawyer at my firm work with their laptops outdoors. On the other hand, that might not go over very well...
Yes, I absolutely agree!! That's one thing that will always put a smile on my face: the realization that I now know what I don't need in my life. It's definitely liberating. :)
I think you could kayak anyway. While I can doggy-paddle up a storm (probably better than the pup, LOL), my swimming skills otherwise are pretty sad. But I still kayak .. though usually with a life vest on.
oh, i am with you. paddling is one of life's simplest and loveliest of pleasures.
i gave you an "i love your blog" award. :)
I've already put in a reservation for a kayak class. Need to know all the basics. I cannot wait!!!
Oh, absolutely. Going to do it more and more going forward. and btw, thanks for the award. :)
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